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Zheng Chunmei

Zheng Chunmei


Department of Accounting

Email: meiz6523@whu.edu.cn

Phone : +86-27-68753025

Moral Education,Party School of the CPC(2017.03)

PhD, Economics, Wuhan University ,China(2002-2005)

MSc, Management(Accounting), Wuhan University ,China(1995-1997)

Advanced training for Teacher ,Accounting,Xiamen University(1989.02-1990.02)

B.A., Economics, Wuhan University, China (1982-1986)

Curriculum Vitae


Teaching courses : Accounting (Accounting for Financial Institution)(54hours); Financial Management(54hours), Business Ethics and Accounting Professionalism(36 hours)

Research Areas : Corporate Governance; Financial Accounting


Professor of Accounting, Wuhan University, September 2007 – present

Associate Professor of Accounting, Wuhan University, September 2001 - June 2007

Instructor, Wuhan University, September 1992 –, June 2001

Assistant for Professor of Accounting, Wuhan University, June 1986 – June1992


Independent Director, Listed Companies , China, 2012 - present

Financial Consultant, Aipu Corp. Ltd., China, 2014 – present


Risk Management for commercial bank, Wuhan Rural Commercial Bank (2011). Huangguang

Rural Commercial Bank(2012)

Internal Control and Risk Management, Wuhan Chemistry Investment Ltd. 2014

Financial Communication for Non-financial Staff, Showa Electric(Japanese), 2013,2018

Enterprise Financial Analysis,, Guangdong Dongwan Security Ltd. 2013

The New Financing Paradigm, Guangxi Water Resources Bureau , 2014

The Puzzle and the Solution of Boss, Jiangxi Enterprise Élites, 2014

HUNET Ltd. MBA online, 《Finance and Accounting》, Lecturer, Korea, 2014


Journal Papers (International)

Chunmei Zheng,Jianxin Tang and Xingyuan, 2009,“ The Application Study of PPP Model on

Rural Infrastructure Construction in China ”, Fujian Forum , Vol. 12, pp. 23-27 .

Chunmei Zheng, Jie Tan and Chuanchuan Duan, 2010, “Fair Value Hierarchy Model Conversion-Consequence Analysis--Based on the Subprime Mortgage Financial Crisis” Communication of

Finance and Accounting, Vol. 6, pp. 33-35

Chunmei Zheng, 2010, Independent Director System and Risk Management Mechanism of State-Owned Conglomerates: Evidence from China Petrochemical Corporation Scandal. MASS

Chunmei Zheng, 2010, Risk Management and Improvement of Independent Director

System, New Asia Forum (3), Seoul, pp.231-244

Chunmei Zheng and Wenyao Li, 2011, An Empirical Study on the Validation of Independent

Director System from Accounting Supervision Perspective, Management World, Vol. 3, pp. 184-185

Chunmei Zheng Lingling Xu and Zhijun Chen, 2013, The Review of Performance Valuation for High and New Tech-enterprise, Communication of Finance and Accounting, Vol. 2, pp. 101-104

Chunmei Zheng and Chun Xiang, An Empirical Study on the Determinants of Environment

Information Disclosure in China-Based on 170 companies listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange,Ÿ Science and Technology Progress and Policy. Vol. 6, pp. 98-102

Chunmei Zheng, Lingling Xu and Xiaofu Hu, 2013, The Measures for Promoting Development of Small and Micro Tech-enterprise Overseas’ Countries and the Reference to Chinese Government, Science and Technology Progress and Policy. Vol. 9, pp. 83-87

Chunmei Zheng, Zhijun Chen and Lingling Xu, 2014, Research on the Performance Evaluation

of Chinese High –tech Listed Companies, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Social Science Edition), Vol. 1, pp. 42-47

Chunmei Zheng Qin Shen and Shibing You, 2014, the Valuation Effect of Asia Cross Listed Companies by Event Study, Statistics & Decision, Vol. 3, pp. 168-171

Chunmei Zheng andLi Peng, 2015,Empirical Research on the Effect both of Government Subsidies and Preferntial Tax Policy to Enterprises’s Innonation Performance-Based the Data of Hi-Tec companies from Shenzhen Market,Science and Technology Progress and Policy. VOL.32,NO,16 pp.83-87,

Chunmei Zheng andYu Yuan,2015,Research on theDynamicMechanism of Innovation-drivenDevelopment ofHi-tech Enterprises -Based onInstitutionalEnvironmentalPerspective ,Science and Technology Progress and Policy,VOL.32,NO, 24, pp. 71-76

Chunmei Zheng andLi Peng, 2015,Research on the Improvement ofFinancialIndexSystem ofChina Hi-tech EnterprisesBased on InnovationPerformance Evaluation.,LuoJiao Management Review,NO,02, pp. 177-186

Lingling Xu andChunmei Zheng,2016,A Study on theMarket Reaction of theAnnouncement of Identification of High and new- Technology Enterprises.,Science Reserch Mangement,VOL37,NO,12, pp. 1-9

Chunmei Zheng and Li Xiao,2016,Research on theMechanism ofEnterpriseInnovationDriven by theConcept ofSustainableGrowth.,Science and Technology Progress and Policy VOL.33,NO,22 pp.78-85

Chunmei Zheng and Wu Guanglei,2017,Strengthen theConstruction ofAccountingSpiritual Culture.,People's Daily, TheoreticalEdition.,06,20

Chunmei Zheng andSun Yanqing,2018,ExecutivePositionCharacteristics,InstitutionalInvestorGovernance andEnterpriseResearchInput.,Science and Technology Progress and Policy, VOL.34 NO,04, pp.81-88

Cases and Practical Papers

Chunmei Zheng, 2011, “Mr. Dewang Cao Donation”, 2011. Case Bank of Postgraduate School of Wuhan University

Chunmei Zheng, 2014. “The Internal Strife within Zhen Kongfu Enterprise”, Case Bank of Postgraduate School of Wuhan University


Chunmei Zheng Lingling Xu and Xiaoping Ma 2014, Introduction to Accounting, Beijing:

Tsinghua University Press.


Chunmei Zheng and Wenyao Li, 2014, An Empirical Study on the Validation of Independent Director System from Accounting Supervision Perspective, Beijing: China Social Science Press

Chunmei Zheng, 2005, A Study on Accounting Therapy for Corporate Governance, Wuhan,

Wuhan University Press


Government-funded grants

Research on the Constructing Performance Evaluation of Chinese High –tech Listed

Companies, RMB50,000, 2013, Ref.2013GX4D133

An Empirical Study on the Validation of Independent Director System from Accounting Supervision Perspective, RMB70,000, 2008, Ref. 08JA630061

Research on Enlarging Rural Infrastructure Construction in China(Sub-task), RMB20,000, 2007, Ref.06BJY067

Research on M&A Performance Evaluation based on Synergy, Cost Influence and Asset Specialty(Sub-task), 2007, RMB60,000, , Ref.70672066

Corporate-funded grants

Study on Risk Control of Small Loan Companies, RMB500,000,2015-2018

Research on Optimization of Cost System of Large Equipment Companies,RMB20,000,2016-2017

Research on the group corporate governance, RMB50,000, 2009

Review on the Independent Director System Overseas, RMB5,000, 2010

Full English Teaching Reform of Wuhan University, RMB50,000, 2011

International collaborative grants

Comparison study on Independent Director System between China and Korea, KRW 29400,000, 2009


Member of ASAC, Canada
