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Wang Tao

Wang Tao

Professor,Cheung Kong Scholar

Department of Marketing and Tourism Management

Email: wangtao@whu.edu.cn

Phone : +86-27-68753015

PhD, Economics, Wuhan University, China (1996-2000)

MSc, Management, Wuhan University, China, (1992-1995)

B.A., Management, Wuhan University, China, (1988-1992)

Curriculum Vitae


Ÿ Teaching courses : Marketing Strategies(master course,36 lessons);Marketing Management(doctoral course, 36 lessons)

Ÿ Research Areas : Marketing Strategies; Brand Management; International Marketing


Ÿ Professor ofDepartment ofMarketing and Tourism Management,Wuhan University,September 2002 – present

Ÿ Associate Professor ofDepartment ofMarketing and Tourism Management,Wuhan University, September 1999-August 2002

Ÿ Lecturer ofDepartment ofMarketing and Tourism Management,Wuhan University,September 1996 –August 1999




Journal Papers (International)

Ÿ Wei Hua, Na Wu,Wang Tao*, Zhou Zongkui, Cui Nan, Xu Lan, Yang Xue(2017).Be Loyal but not Addicted: Effect of Online Game Social Migration on Game Loyalty and Addiction. Journal of Consumer Behaviour16(4),293–386(* Corresponding author)(SSCI)

Ÿ Wang, H., Wang, T. * (2017).Theoretical Model about the International Branding Path of Chinese Brands - Based on the Perspective of Legitimacy. Transformations in Business & Economics, Vol. 16, No 2B (41B), pp.42-59.(* Corresponding author)(SSCI)

Ÿ Rui Guo , Lan Tao , Caroline Bingxin Li,Tao Wang(2017). A Path Analysis of Green washing in a Trust Crisis Among Chinese Energy Companies: The Role of Brand Legitimacy And Brand Loyalty,Journal of Business Ethics 140(3), pp.523-536 (SSCI)

Ÿ Nan Cui, Lan Xu,Tao Wang, William Qualls, Yanghong Hu (2016). How Does Framing Strategy Affect Evaluation of Cultural Hybrids? The Self-Other Asymmetry Effect.Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 47(10),1307–1320(SSCI

Ÿ Jing Zhao,Tao Wang,Xiucheng Fan(2015). Customer value co-creation in online health community:The effects of social identity on knowledge contribution and membership continuance intention.Journal of Service Management,26( 1), pp.72 - 96(SSCI)

Ÿ Tao Wang , Ling Zhou , Yupeng Mou , Jing Zhao(2014).Study of Country-of-Origin Image from Legitimacy Theory Perspective: The Case of Chinese products’ CoI in USA and India. Industrial Marketing Management. 43(5), July, 769–776(SSCI)

Ÿ Zhou Ling,Wang Tao*, Zhang Qin and Mou Yupeng(2013), Consumer Insecurity and Preference for Nostalgic Products: Evidence from China. Journal of Business Research(*Corresponding author)66(12):2406–2411 (SSCI)

Ÿ Lijun Zhou,Tao Wang*(2014), Social media: A new vehicle for city marketing in China, Cities.37(April):27–32(*Corresponding author)(SSCI )

Ÿ Lan Xu, Tao Wang,* Nan Cui and Suhua Su(2012).The impacts of customer participation and company reputation on customer-company identification.International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations.(*Corresponding author)Vol. 10, Nos. 3/4:247-259(EI)

Ÿ Nan Cui,Tao Wang*, and Shuang Xu(2010).The Influence of Social Presence on Consumers’ Perceptions of the Interactivity of Web Sites.Journal of Interactive Advertising, Vol.11, No.1(Fall 2010), pp. 36-49(*corresponding author)(ABI / EBSCO)

Journal Papers (Domestic)

Ÿ WEI Hua;WANG Tao; ZHOU Zongkui; FENG Wenting; DING Qian. The effect of repeated two-syllable brand name on consumer’s perception and preference. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 2016, 48(11): 1479-1488.

Ÿ FENG Wenting;WANG Tao; WEI Hua; ZHOU Nan. Loneliness makes me fall in love with you: The influence of product display on lonely individual’s product preference. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 2016, 48(4): 398-409.

Ÿ Wang Tao, Xie Zhipeng, and Cui Nan, 2014.“Have aGoodChat with the Brand---The Impact of Personified Brand Communication on Consumer Brand”,Acta Psychologica Sinica, 46, 7, pp. 987-999.

Ÿ Wang Tao, Zhang Qin, Zhang Hui, Zhou Ling, Liu Hongshen, 2012.“Reducing the country-of-origin effects:the presentation of products information activates the analytic process”.Acta Psychologica Sinica, 44, 6, pp. 841-852.

Ÿ Wang Tao, Zhou Ling, Zhou Nan, Mou Yupeng, Xie Zhipeng, 2012.“How Country of Origin Image is Formed:A Grounded Theory-Study From the Perspective of Legitimacy”. Management World, 3, pp. 113-126.

Ÿ Wang Tao, Zhou Ling, Peng Chuanxin, Zhu Xiaomei, 2011.“Branding Through Storytelling:Brand Narrativing Theory Which is Composed of Story Constructing and Story Communicating”. Management World, 3, 112-123.

Ÿ Wang Tao, He Hao, Zhu Fan, 2010.“Consumers’ Idea Generation in Product Innovation——the Effect of Product Innovation Task and Consumer Knowledge on the Performance of Consumers’ Idea Generation”, Management World, 2, 80-92.

Cases and Practical Papers

Conference Papers (International)

Ÿ Zhao Jing,Wang Tao,and Anaza Nwamaka,“The Relationship between E-shopper Perceptions of Value and Citizenship Behaviors: An Empirical Investigation”, Proceedings of2013 AMA summer educator’s conference, Boston, USA, 2013.


Ÿ Wang Tao, Marketing Management,Higher Education Press, 2014







Ÿ Wang Tao,Key project of national natural science funds,2016-2020,¥2400,000, Ref. 71532011.

Ÿ Wang Tao, Key Projects of Philosophy and Social Sciences Research of the Ministry of Education, 2015-2017,¥800,000, Ref.14JZD017.

Ÿ Wang Tao, Chinese National Science Foundation, 2013-2016,¥550,000, Ref.71272226.

Ÿ Wang Tao, Chinese National Science Foundation, 2010-2012,¥280,000, Ref.70972092.

Ÿ Wang Tao, Chinese National Science Foundation, 2007-2009,¥210,000, Ref.70672068.

Ÿ Wang Tao, Chinese National Science Foundation, 2004-2006,¥150,000, Ref.70302007.


International collaborativegrants


Ÿ 2008The Ministry of education of new century excellent talents support program

Ÿ 2012 Luojia Distinguished Professor at Wuhan University

Ÿ Second Prize, 9thHubei Academy of Social SciencesOutstandingAchievements

Ÿ Second Prize, 8thHubei Academy of Social SciencesOutstandingAchievements

Ÿ Third Prize, 7thHubei Academy of Social SciencesOutstandingAchievements

Ÿ Third Prize, 13rd WuhanAcademy of Social SciencesOutstandingAchievements

Ÿ Best Dissertation Award of Hubei Province


Ÿ Editor of Luojia Management Review

Ÿ Co-Editor, Journal of Marketing Science

Ÿ Editorial board member, Marketing (published byThe Information Center for Social Sciences of Renmin University of China)

Ÿ Editorial board member, R & D Management

Ÿ Editorial board member,Journal of Marketing Trends


Ÿ VicePresident ofChina Marketing Association of University

Ÿ President of Hubei Marketing Association

