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Xia Qinghua

Xia, Qinghua

Professor in Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Department of Business Administration

Director of the Wuhan University Center for Entrepreneurship and Business Growth Studies

Email: qhxia@whu.edu.cn

Phone : +86-27-68753043

PhD, Management, Wuhan University, China (1999-2003)

MBA, Wuhan University, China (1994-1997)

B.A.,  Economics, Wuhan University, China (1982-1986)

//www.heisee.com;  http://ecenter.whu.edu.cn



Ÿ Teaching courses: Entrepreneurial Management, The Growth Theory of Firm, Organizational Behavior and leadership

Ÿ Research areas: Business Growth Strategy; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Business Model



Ÿ Associate Director of Department of Business Administration, Wuhan University, May 2005 June 2013

Ÿ Professor of Enterprise Management, Wuhan University, Nov. 2003 – present

Ÿ Associate Professor of Enterprise Management, Wuhan University, September 1997 Oct.2003

Ÿ Lecturer of Management, Wuhan University, Sep. 1991- Aug.1997

Ÿ Assistant Professor of Management, Wuhan University, June 1986 Aug.1991

Ÿ Visiting Scholarship of Uppen (Wharton) of USA(2012), JHU (Carey) of USA(2012), MMU of UK(2009), Vrije University at Amsterdam of Netherlands(2003-2004)



Ÿ Member, Advisory Board of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education in Colleges and Universities, Ministry of Education of China

Ÿ Tutor of National Ten Thousand Excellent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Tutors Talent Pool

Ÿ Entrepreneurial Tutor of YBC, Science Park of Wuhan University, HBGQT etc.



Ÿ Entrepreneurship Education: Objection, Pattern and Quality Evaluation: Teachers of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in China

Ÿ Entrepreneurship Course Design and Method, Teachers of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in China

Ÿ Growth Strategy of Firms, Yanchang Petrol Group of Shanxi Province, 2011

Ÿ Leadership, Hubei Peoples Hospital, 2010

Ÿ Technology Entrepreneurship, Hi-Tech Business Incubator in Zhongshan City of Guangdong Province for Returned Personnel from abroad




Journal Papers (International)

Qinghua Xia· Qinwei Cao· Manqing TanBasic research intensity and diversified performance: the moderating role of government support intensityScientometricsOct 2020Vol 125(1)577–605 SCIESSCI      

Rui YiQinghua Xia et al. Does venture capital help to promote open innovation practice? Evidence from China European Journal of Innovation Management 14 June 2021

Xia Qinghua and Yi Rui, 2012. “University Innovation, University Entrepreneurship and Regional Economic Performance: a Sub-regional Empirical Study from China”, Advances in Information Sciences and Service SciencesVol. 4, No. 19, pp. 612 ~ 627,

Journal Papers (Domestic)

· Xia Qinghua, Huang Jian, The Influence of Government Resource Allocation on the Relationship between Market Competition and Corporate Innovation Investment: Evidence of High-tech Enterprises in China, Business Management Journal, 2019,(08):5-20.

· Xia Qinghua, Le Yi, Has venture capital spurred firms' technological innovation in China?, Science Research Management, 2021,(07):189-199.

· Xia Qinghua, Hu Shuchuan, The Practice of Innovation Policy in Three European Countries

· and Its Inspiration for China, Reform of Economic System, 2021,(03):166-173.

· Xia Qinghua, Huang Jian, The Market Orientation and Business Logic of Scientific and Technical System Reform, Study and Practice, 2020,(02):65-77.

· Xia Qinghua, He Dan, Do Government Subsidies Stimulate Enterprises’ Innovation – The Perspective of Signal Theory, Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 2020,(01):92-101.

· Xia Qinghua, Le Yi, Measurement on Allocation Efficiency of Science and Technology Resources in Provinces of China, Statistics & Decision, 2020,(23):46-49.

· Xia, Qinghua and Lou Huiyang2014. "Business Model Rigidity: Organized Structure and Evolution Mechanism", China Industrial Economics, Issue 8p184-197.  

· Xia Qinghua, LI Wen(2012). Knowledge Characteristics, University Resource Endowments and Formation Opportunity of University Spin-off Companies: Based on Knowledge Spillover Theory[J]. Chinese Journal of Management, Vol,9(2): 238-243.

· LI Wen, Xia Qinghua(2012). How does scholar affect the entrepreneurial orientation of university spin-off companies—an empirical study based on“211 project” university in Hubei province[J]. Studies in Science of Science, Vol,29(4): 610-618.

· LI Wen, Xia Qinghua(2012). Effect Mechanism of Academic Entrepreneurs on University Spin-Off Companies’ Performance[J]. Studies in Science of Science, Vol,30(2): 284-293.

· Zhang chenglong, Xia Qinghua(2012): An empirical study on the relationship between corporate governance and performance[J] Technology Economics, ,Vol.1,P1-7

· Xia Qinghua,Songhui(2011):  A comparative analysis on entrepreneurial motivation of Chinese and foreign academicians[J], Chinese Journal of Management Review, Vol.8,P1190-1194

· Xia Qinghua(2011). Research on the independent IP capability of China’s enterprises [M], Wuhan University Press, 2011

· Wen Li, Qinghua Xia(2011). The Modes and Effects of Knowledge Commercialization Based on Knowledge Spillover Theory. Proceedings 2011 International Conference on Business Management and Electronic Information, 2011, 5. (EI Index).

· Zhang Chenglong, Xia Qinghua(2011). Empirical Analysis on the Relationship between Chinese Non-IPO University Spin-offs’ Governance Structure and Performance. The 2nd International Conference on Computer and Management (CAMAN2012)2011,3. (EI IndexISTP Index).

· Xia Qinghua, Xu Dan, Li Wen(2010). Analysis on Key Influential Factors of Performance of University Spin-off Companies [J]. Technology Economics, Vol. 29(12): 28-32.

· Xia Qinghua, Qin Shilei(2010): A study on the strategic formation and characteristics of USOs[J], Strategic Management, Vol.7

· XIA Qinghua, LI Wen(2009). Evolution of Strategic Characteristics of Chinese High-tech Entrepreneurial Enterprises From Establishment to IPO:A Case of 16 Enterprises in Hubei Province[J]. Technology Economics, Vol 28(3): 22-26.

· Xia Qinghua,Yi zhaohui(2009): A study on the entrepreneurship support policy under the uncertain environment[J], China Softscience, Vol.1;P66-72

Cases and Practical Papers

Ÿ Xia, Qinghua and Lou Huiyang2013. "Business Model Rigidity: Organized Structure and Evolution Mechanism", China Industrial Economics, Issue 8p184-197.  

Ÿ Xia Qinghua and Xiao Yonggao2009,Entrepreneurial model and driver factors of Jiuzhoutong Group, Management Case Study and Review, Issue 1

Conference Papers (International)

· Wen Li, Qinghua Xia(2011). The Modes and Effects of Knowledge Commercialization Based on Knowledge Spillover Theory. Proceedings 2011 International Conference on Business Management and Electronic Information, 2011, 5. (EI Index).

· Zhang Chenglong, Xia Qinghua(2011). Empirical Analysis on the Relationship between Chinese Non-IPO University Spin-offs’ Governance Structure and Performance. The 2nd International Conference on Computer and Management (CAMAN2012)2011,3. (EI IndexISTP Index).

· Xia Qinghua, Xu Dan, Li Wen(2010). Analysis on Key Influential Factors of Performance of University Spin-off Companies[J]. Technology Economics, Vol. 29(12): 28-32.


Ÿ Xia, Qinghua,《Entrepreneurial Management》,Wuhan University Press2007,2011


Ÿ Xia,Qinghua,《The Contingent Theory of Business Growth》,China Social Science Press,2014

Ÿ Xia,Qinghua,《Academic EntrepreneurshipChinese Research Universities’ Cognition and Realization Mechanism on the Third TaskWuhan University Press2013

Ÿ Xia,Qinghua,《The Research into the independent IP Capability Construction of Chinese Enterprises, Wuhan University Press2011





Government-funded grants

Ÿ Research on the Structural Contradiction and its Reforming Strategy and Path of the China's Scientific & Technology System

Ÿ The Reverse Thinking on Business Model Innovation: A Study Based on the Dynamic Evolution of Business Model Rigidity, National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC), 2016-2019:

Ÿ Entrepreneurial Roles of Academics and Performance of university spin-off companies(USOs), An Empirical study based on the China’s University Entrepreneurship, National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC),2009-2012:

Ÿ Research into the national supporting strategies on independent intellectual property and famous brands of Chinese firms ,National Social Science Foundation (the National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science (NPOSS),, 2005-2007

Ÿ Study on the recognition and realization mechanism of the “Third Task” of China’s Research-type universities, Foundation of the State Ministry of Education, 2009-2012

Corporate-funded grants

Ÿ Measurement and Software Design of Entrepreneurial Quality, Youth league Committee of Hubei Province 2010



Ÿ The Third Prize of Excellent Research Works of National Philosophy and Social Science 2015 for the book “ Academic Entrepreneurship: China’s Research Universities’ Cognition and Realization Mechanism on The Third Task which was published by Wuhan University Press in 2013.

Ÿ Best Paper Award“Inaugural International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice Relevant to China” : Industry Network Embeddedness, Entrepreneurial Orientation and Performance of China University Spin-offsAuthorsXia Qinghua, Zhang Chenglong,Huang Qihai

Ÿ MBA Teaching Award, “The Most Popular MBA Teacher” of Wuhan University2011



Ÿ Journal of Chinese Management, Academic Journal of University of Zhejiang, Management Review, Reviewer, 2007-present



Ÿ Committee of the National Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Studies,2015--

Ÿ Associate President of China Branch of ICSB, , 2013-2016

Ÿ Member of American Management Association,2013--



Ÿ Invited Speech: Innovation and entrepreneurship make dreams come true, Hubei TV,2018

Ÿ Invited Speech: Entrepreneurial Opportunity Exploit and Business Model Design, Annual meeting of China Branch of ICSB , Hangzhou, China,2016

Ÿ Invited Speech: Design of O2O Business Model, Annual meeting of China Branch of ICSB , Hangzhou, China,2015

Ÿ Invited Speech: Entrepreneurial University and Academic Entrepreneurship, Organizer: Zhejiang Agriculture University, Sep. 18th 2013

Ÿ Media Coverage: Experts Opinions on Multinational Management and Innovation Entrepreneurship, Hubei Daily Highlights, Chutian Jindaily, Remin\Sina websites,etc. May 11th 2014
