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Cheng Lei

Cheng Lei

Assistant Professor

Department of Mathematical Economics and Mathematical Finance

Wuhan University

Email: chenglei2016@whu.edu.cn

Phone : +86-027-68753085

PhD, Economics, University of California, Berkeley, USA (2011-2016)

M.A., Economics, Peking University, China (2005-2008)

B.A., Economics, Wuhan Textile University, China (2001-2005)

Curriculum Vitae


Ÿ TeachingCourses:Microeconomics(undergraduate, 54), International Economics(undergraduate, 54)

Ÿ Research Areas:Development Economics


Ÿ July 2016– present: Assistant Professor, Wuhan University,


Ÿ Research Assistant at Economic Research Institute, Peking University, 2008-2010


Journal Papers (International)

Ÿ Lei Cheng. 2017. Estimating the Value of Political Connections in China: Evidence from Sudden Deaths of Politically Connected Independent Directors.Journal of Comparative Economics, accepted. (Single author)

Ÿ Lei Chengand Zhen Lei. 2015. Does the Expansion of Chinese State-owned Enterprises Affect the Innovative Behavior of Private Enterprises.Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, 22 (1): 24-54.

Journal Papers (Domestic)

Ÿ Lei Cheng. 2011. Research on the Effects of the Expansion of the Income Gap on the Insufficiency of Consumption Demand in China: A Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Test.Economic Science, (1): 11-24.

Ÿ Yeliang Xia, Lei Cheng. 2011. Research on Spillover Effects of FDI on the Technical Efficiency of China’s Industrial Enterprises: A Quantitative Analysis of Chinese Industrial Firms from 2002 to 2006.Journal of China Industrial Economics, 268 (7): 55-65.


Ÿ Lei Cheng, “Do Politically Connected Independent Directors Matter? Evidence from Mandatory Resignation Events in China”, International Conference on the Chinese Economy (CESA2017), UWA Business School, Perth, Australia, 12-14 July 2017.

Ÿ Lei Cheng, “Estimating the Value of Political Connections in China: Evidence from Sudden Deaths of Politically Connected Independent Directors”, The 6th Asia-Pacific Innovation Conference, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, November 2015.

Ÿ Lei Cheng, “Does the Expansion of Chinese State-owned Enterprises Affect the Innovative Behavior of Private Enterprises”,The 4th Asia-Pacific Innovation Conference, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, December 2013.

Ÿ Yeliang Xia, Lei Cheng. 2011. Research on Spillover Effects of FDI on the Technical Efficiency of China’s Industrial Enterprises: A Quantitative Analysis of Chinese Industrial Firms from 2002 to 2006.Journal of China Industrial Economics, 268 (7): 55-65.


Government-funded grants

Ÿ 2018.01–2020.12,National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.: 71703113),¥180000.

Ÿ 2017.04–2019.04, The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, Wuhan University,¥30000.
